Within your athlete one club account follow the steps below to issue a refund.
Note: Access to this information is restricted to certain roles, specifically the Executive Director and Financial Admin.
Step 1: Log into your club account - Click Here
Step 2: Select 'My Account' from the left hand navigation > then select 'Club Account’ > then select your club.
Step 3: Click on 'Club Details'
Step 4: Click 'View Full Financial Details'
Step 5: Select the active program you are wanting to issue a refund in.
Step 6: Select 'Transaction Report'
Note: Under Transaction report, your members will be listed below. To the right of member names, you will see the total amount of Deposits that member has made.
Step 7: Select the player's name you would like to issue a refund too.
Step 8: A fly out window will populate, fill out the amount and the reason for the refund to complete the refund.