Step 1: Log into your athlete one club account - Click Here

Step 2: Select 'My Account' from the left hand navigation > then select 'Club Account’ > then select your club.

Step 3: Click on 'Operations'

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Step 4: Click 'Active Programs' under Tryout Registration

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Step 5: In the upper right hand corner click 'Add Program'.

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Step 6: A fly out will open, you'll need to make sure all of the fields are filled out.

  • Name: Here you name your program. Example: athlete one SC Tryouts 2020-2021
  • Registration Open Date: Choose a date you would like your registration to start
  • Registration Closed Date: Choose a date you would like your registration to end
  • Close Button Redirect Link: Club URL or whatever site you'd like them redirected to 
  • Program Status: To activate this program click Active. To make it Inactive click inactive. To Archive click Archive.
  • Status: To make the program Public click Public, To keep program Private click Private
  • Description (optional) You can give your program a description

Step 7: Click 'Save'